Traditionally, Technical and Vocational Education and Training offer practical learning experiences in various technical fields job market.

However, CEDI HUB’s Technological, Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurial Education Training (TTVEET) seeks to equip individuals with entrepreneurial and technological skills with industry-driven-specific skills that prepare them for the entrepreneurial journey. Our TTVEET programmes emphasize hands-on training, industry internships, and relevant certifications, ensuring graduates meet market demands. With a focus on employability and career advancement, our TTVEET bridges the gap between education, entrepreneurial, and industry needs. We promote skilled entrepreneurship and the workforce, which contributes to economic growth and innovation.

  • Our Expertise

    We Provide Great Solutions

    • Comprehensive curriculum covering various technical and vocational skills.
    • Hands-on training opportunities in relevant industries.
    • Industry-relevant certifications and qualifications.
    • Internship and apprenticeship programs with partnering companies.
    • Career guidance and counseling services for students.
    • Access to modern equipment and technology for practical learning.